Recent CPAN uploads - MetaCPAN


Manipulate Mac OS X pasteboards

Changes for 0.103_01 - 2023-12-08

  • Fix fatal error when compiled under Xcode 15 or above The error was introduced when I cut out the pbl back-end, but was previously not fatal -- at least not usually.
  • No flavor tags in Monterey and forward.
2023.12.09 01:33


Check whether filename indicates being an archive file

Changes for 0.032 - 2023-08-27

  • Return 'filename_without_suffix' key in result.
2023.12.09 00:05


Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files

Changes for 3.026 - 2023-12-07

  • lib/PDF/Builder/Content/, examples/ Add HTML "reversed" (boolean) to <ol> tag to count down instead of up (needs "start" value to make any sense).
  • lib/PDF/Builder/ Add some POD notes about the use of charspace for tracking adjustments, and the interaction with wordspace adjustments for a more balanced appearance of justified text.
  • devtools/ A collection of various utilities I use to build PDF::Builder (the CPAN package), as well as do the PHP conversion of HTML code for the web page disp…
2023.12.08 19:47


INI file reader, allows the referencing of INI and environment variables within the INI file.

Changes for 0.04 - 2023-12-08

  • Some corrections in the POD documentation.
2023.12.08 18:16


Install the Map::Tube modules.

Changes for 0.47 - 2023-12-08T17:00:11+01:00

  • Add Map::Tube::API 0.05 version.
  • Add Map::Tube::Server 0.01 version.
  • Fix use lib '.' in Makefile.PL.
  • Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
  • Move bugtracker to github.
  • Rename LICENSE to LICENSE.artistic_2.
  • Update Map::Tube to 3.68 version.
  • Update Map::Tube::CLI to 0.67 version.
  • Update Map::Tube::Cookbook to 0.08 version.
  • Update Map::Tube::Exception to 3.21 version.
  • Update Map::Tube::Graph to 0.06 version.
  • Update Map::Tube::GraphViz to 0.07 version.
  • Update Map::Tube::Plugin::Formatter to 0.17 version.
  • Update Map::Tube::Plugin::G…
2023.12.08 16:01


Utilities for graphs

Changes for 0.2.0 - 2023-12-08

  • Implementing graph_replace().
2023.12.08 14:15


Interface to the Yekaterinburg Metro Map.

Changes for 0.06 - 2023-12-08T14:59:50+01:00

  • Add EXAMPLE5 section to doc.
  • Add test for ok_map_functions().
  • Fix Makefile.PL for new version of Perl and no default »use lib '.'«.
  • Fix doc image.
  • Implement station order.
  • Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
  • Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
  • Move bugtracker to github.
  • Regen example image.
  • Rename example files to better names.
  • Rewrite XML map to new version with line IDs.
  • Rewrite doc to use of =head2.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
  • Update author github username.
  • Update author name.
  • Update copyright years.
  • Upd…
2023.12.08 14:00


Perl library for interacting with the TrueLayer v3 API (

Changes for 0.02 - 2023-12-08

  • auth_host moves to Request, and Authenticator only uses host internally
  • Refactor api_post() and api_get() to use _ua_request()
  • Move the post in _authenticate() to _ua_request() in the Request class
  • Paranoid error handling with clear reporting in _authenticate
  • Improve tests for Business::TrueLayer::Request prior to refactoring
  • Use Test::Warnings in all tests
  • Pass ->payment_host into ::Payment object
  • Add Changes and README.pod
2023.12.08 13:54


Interface to the Bucharest Metro Map.

Changes for 0.11 - 2023-12-08T14:29:09+01:00

  • Fix image name in doc.
  • Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
  • Move bugtracker to github.
  • Rename example files to better names.
  • Rewrite doc to use of =head2.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
  • Update copyright years.
2023.12.08 13:30


Interface to the Budapest Metro Map.

Changes for 0.07 - 2023-12-08T12:12:50+01:00

  • Fix crossings in Budapest map.
2023.12.08 11:13



Stack Overflow – Active questions tagged [perl]

Invoking perl from nginx

PDL / Vector and matrix algebra / Sort Eigenvalues of symmetric matrix

Perl - Difference between invoking sub-routine with or without "&" (ampersand) [duplicate]

Bad Certificate error while making rest api call in perl

Perl regex and capturing groups

How do I tell what type of value is in a Perl variable?

how to solve the question of making up openfactfood server? [closed]

how to use a subroutine if some module is already installed

Issue installing Perl::LanguageServer via cpanm and cpan in WSL 2

How do I add a new Key,Value pair to a Hash in an array of hash in perl?

Installing Perl module LWP::Protocol::https

perl -s switch documentation confusion

Read file from STDIN and write to STDOUT

Homebrew no longer working after macOS upgrade, perl errors [closed]

Can DBIx::Class use the SQL window functions lag and lead?

Perl script for file copy [closed]

Insecure $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at /var/www/html/cgi-bin/check.cgi [duplicate]

more efficient HH:MM:SS conversion possible?

Perl - file reading - got "GLOB"

How do I parse a file using Perl's XML::SAX?

News and Blogs

Articles on - programming news, code and culture

The Perl Foundation

Bruce Gray Candidacy for Board Membership


We would like to present Bruce Gray as a candidate to join the Board. The board will vote on Bruce's appointment at the board meeting 15th of December, 2023.

Below are Bruce's responses to the application questions.


I am Bruce Gray ("Util" of PerlMonks). I reside in Alabama (USA), near Auburn University, with my wife of 22 years, and close to my stepson and my four school-aged grandchildren.

I work as a business analyst and contract programmer in my own small consultancy, advising and coding for many industries, currently focused on healthcare.

My non-technical passions are Theatre (Shakespear…

2023.12.05 13:02

Ruth Holloway Candidacy for Board Membership


We would like to present Ruth Holloway as a candidate to join the Board.

The board will vote on Ruth's appointment at the board meeting 15th of December, 2023.

Below are Ruth's responses to the application questions.


I have been a software developer and system administrator for nearly forty years, starting my first paid gig before I was even out of high school, in 1985. I started using Perl in 2002, and it has been my primary programming language ever since, though I do enough JavaScript work that I can unironically call myself a "full-stack" developer these days. I've worked in library autom…

2023.12.05 12:54

Maintaining Perl (Tony Cook) October 2023


Tony writes:

``` [Hours] [Activity] 2023/10/02 Monday 0.22 #21523 comment 1.87 security issue #142 work on a fix

0.83 security issue #142 work on a fix


2023/10/03 Tuesday 2.02 security issue #142 work on a fix, push and PR 1.18 #21535 review, testing, comment, start another test



2023/10/05 Thursday 0.48 github notifications 1.17 #21529 review and several comments 0.22 #21532 review and comment 0.40 #21502 apply to blead, perldelta 0.12 #19282 check and close (obsoleted by #21473) 2.97 #21523 re-work to make large stack offsets optional, skip bigmem stack tests if large stack offse…

2023.12.04 08:44

Maintaining Perl 5 Core (Dave Mitchell): September - October 2023


Dave writes:

This is my monthly report on work done during September-October 2023 covered by my TPF perl core maintenance grant.

I mainly continued my work on making the perl stack reference counted. In particular, I have been concentrating on "unwrapping" common ops to reduce any slowdown on PERL_RC_STACK builds. In fact most of the last two months has been spent on unwrapping and then optimising just a single op, OP_AASSIGN, which performs list assignment - such as

($x, @y) = (....).

This is an exceedingly complex op due to a large number of edge cases (such as assigning an odd number of elemen…

2023.12.04 08:41

Raku Advent Calendar 2023 is Live!


The Raku Advent Calendar

2023.12.01 14:20

Perl Advent Calendar is Live!

System Thinking

I started to also post on and will post there mostly about topics larger than Perl : psychology of programming, software engineering and alike.

2023.12.08 15:26

This Week in PSC (127)

This week we:

  • Worked out final resolving actions for security issues.
  • Discussed recent mailing-list posts about making method non-public by default. This probably won’t work but we could open a PPC discussion on my method + $obj->&method syntax.
  • Reviewed Projects in Flight - posted below
  • Merged the PR for PPC 0022 (Metaprogramming API). Discussions on individual points can be made using GH Issues
Projects in Flight
  • HTTPS out of the box — (Paul) has nudged Mark Gardner by email
  • PPC 0013 overload in join — (Philippe) should open an issue with his thoughts on the topic
  • PPC 0014 English names — (Pau…
2023.12.07 22:47

Is Perl a write only language?

I am sick and tired of hearing this, so let's put it this to the test. Assume you know little of Perl, or any programming language for that matter. Can you parse the code?

I hope the piece above is the first in a series to convince people to consider the reality before passing judgement. It was inspired by one of our research analysts discovering Perl and awk to simplify their lives when cleaning data.

2023.12.07 10:15

Perl Weekly Challenge 246: Linear Recurrence of Second Order

These are some answers to the Week 246, Task 2, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.

Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on December 10, 2023 at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.

Task 1: Linear Recurrence of Second Order

You are given an array @a of five integers.

Write a script to decide whether the given integers form a linear recurrence of second order with integer factors.

A linear recurrence of second order has the form

2023.12.06 20:24

This week in PSC (126) | 2023-11-30

Three Perl releases have been published this past week, containing patches for security issues CVE-2023-47038 and CVE-2023-47039. This kept us busy for the past few weeks (explaining the somewhat thinner recent updates).

  • Paul will publish a post-mortem on the recent releases, looking at what went wrong and some thoughts on how to improve it so those don’t happen again
  • We discussed a plan to improve documentation of the security disclosure process
  • We took note of what projects we have in flight (e.g. PPCs being implemented) and may find a way to keep that list published and updated
2023.12.04 20:13

Perl Weekly Challenge 246: 6 out of 49

These are some answers to the Week 246, Task 1, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.

Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on December 10, 2023 at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.

Task 1: 6 out of 49

6 out of 49 is a German lottery.

Write a script that outputs six unique random integers from the range 1 to 49.



For space reasons, we will display the random integers on the same line. Also, it appears that the…

2023.12.04 16:38

Perl Hacks

Perl Blog

DEV Community: perl

PWC 246 Random use of algebra

It's December, and that means neglecting our responsibilities with Advent of Code. But there's still time to squeeze in the Perl Weekly Challenge, too.

Task 1: 6 out of 49
6 out of 49 is a German lottery.
Write a script that outputs six unique
random integers from the range 1 to 49.

Let's be random. 6 out of 49. 25 or 6 to 4. Weasels ripped my flesh. My hovercraft is full of eels.

'Tis easy, if we remember that Perl has a rand() function, and if we remember how it works. int(rand(49)) returns a number between 0 and 48, so we need to bump it to move it between 1 and 49. Then, we need to do it six…

2023.12.05 00:14

Perl Weekly #645 - Advent Calendars

Originally published at Perl Weekly 645

Hi there!

Welcome to the new subscribers!

December has arrived and with it the season of the Advent Calendars. You might recall that Len Jaffe has an Advent Calendar aggregator called Advent Planet. If you know a running calendar that is not listed there, please contact Len!

It lists the Perl Advent Calendar and the Raku advent calendar, and a few more. Ingy dot Net pointed to the YAML Script Advent Calendar.

In the previous edition Mohammad sent a call to get sponsor for his Weekly programming challenge. Several people replied to me. Those messages were forw…

2023.12.04 11:26

Perl 5.38.0 32bit

I am looking for some information, if there are people in this group from the Perl community. My question to them is, are there any plans to release Perl 5.38.0 32bit version?

2023.12.04 05:47

Sorting by threes

Weekly Challenge 245

Each week Mohammad S. Anwar sends out The Weekly Challenge, a chance for all of us to come up with solutions to two weekly tasks. My solutions are written in Python first, and then converted to Perl. It's a great way for us all to practice some coding.

Challenge, My solutions

Task 1: Sort Language Task

You are given two array of languages and its popularity.

Write a script to sort the language based on popularity.

My solution

This task is relatively straight forward. Split the input into two lists (arrays in Perl)

    half = len(inputs) // 2
    words = inputs[:half]
    # Convert…
2023.12.03 10:56

Perl Weekly #644 - Perl Sponsor?

Originally published at Perl Weekly 644

Hi there,

Do you or your company sponsor Perl directly or indirectly?

As we all know, The Perl and Raku Foundation, is the parent organisation responsible for the development of Perl and Raku programming languages. They are also the single point of contact for any donations, whether individual or corporate. Without a doubt they are doing great service promoting Perl and Raku programming languages. I have personally seen how they support annual conferences around the globe.

Why am I talking about it today?

I run The Weekly Challenge project primarily focus on…

2023.11.27 08:09

Weekly Challenge 244

Each week Mohammad S. Anwar sends out The Weekly Challenge, a chance for all of us to come up with solutions to two weekly tasks. My solutions are written in Python first, and then converted to Perl. It's a great way for us all to practice some coding.

Challenge, My solutions

Task 1: Count Smaller Task

You are given an array of integers.

Write a script to calculate the number of integers smaller than the integer at each index.

My solution

This is a one-liner in Python

solution = [sum(1 for j in ints if j < i) for i in ints]

Breaking it down:

  • for i in ints iterates through the supplied list, assignin…
2023.11.26 11:20


Sleeping Threads Reveal the Largest of Three

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given two array of languages and its popularity. Write a script to sort the language based on popularity.


use Thread;
sub sort_language{
    my @language = @{$_[0]};
    my @popularity = @{$_[1]};
    my @threads;
        push @threads, Thread->new(
            sub{sleep($popularity[$_]); say $language[$_]}
    } for 0 .. @popularity - 1;
    do{$_ -> join()} for @threads;

    sort_language [qw/perl c python/], [2, 1, 3];
Sample Run
2023.12.03 13:34

Counting the Smallest Embiggens the Group Hero

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given an array of integers. Write a script to calculate the number of integers smaller than the integer at each index.


use v5.38;
sub count_smaller{
    my @integers = @_;
    my @integers_sorted = sort {$a <=> $b} @integers;
    return map {  
        my $x = $_;
        (grep { $integers[$x] == $integers_sorted[$_]} 0 .. @integers_sorted - 1)[0];
    } 0 .. @integers - 1;

    say join q/, /, count_smaller qw/8 1 2 2 3/;
    say join q/, /, count_smaller…
2023.11.26 14:30

Reverse Pairs on the Floor

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given an array of integers. Write a script to return the number of reverse pairs in the given array.


use v5.38;
sub reverse_pairs{
    my @integers = @_;
    my @reverse_pairs;
        my $i = $_;
            my $j = $_;
            push @reverse_pairs, [$i, $j] if $integers[$i] > $integers[$j] + $integers[$j];
        } for $i + 1 .. @integers - 1;
    } for 0 .. @integers - 1;
    return 0 + @reverse_pairs;

    say reverse_pairs 1, 3…
2023.11.19 17:18

Missing Flips

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given two arrays of integers. Write a script to find out the missing members in each other arrays.


use v5.38;
use boolean;
use Data::Dump q/pp/;
sub missing_members{
    my @r;
    my($a0, $a1) = @_;
    my $missing0 = [];
    missing_members_r([@{$a0}], [@{$a1}], $missing0);
    my $missing1 = [];
    missing_members_r([@{$a1}], [@{$a0}], $missing1);
    push @r, $missing0 if @{$missing0} > 0;
    push @r, $missing1 if @{$missing1} > 0;
    return @r;

sub missin…
2023.11.11 21:43

Recursive Loops and Code Re-Use

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given an array (3 or more members) of integers in increasing order and a positive integer. Write a script to find out the number of unique Arithmetic Triplets satisfying the given rules.


use v5.38;
sub arithmetic_triplets{
    my $counter = 0;
    my $difference = shift;
    arithmetic_triplets_r($difference, \$counter, [@_[0 .. @_ -1]], [@_[1 .. @_ -1]], [@_[2 .. @_ -1]]);   
    return $counter;

sub arithmetic_triplets_r{
    my $difference = $_[0]; 
    my $c…
2023.11.05 18:19

ABA (Acronym Build Array)

The examples used here are from the weekly challenge problem statement and demonstrate the working solution.

Part 1

You are given an array of strings and a check string. Write a script to find out if the check string is the acronym of the words in the given array.


use v5.38;
use boolean;
sub acronym{
    my($strings, $acronym) = @_;
    return boolean(join(q//, map {(split //, lc $_)[0]} @{$strings}) eq lc $acronym);

    say acronym [qw/Perl Python Pascal/], q/ppp/;
    say acronym [qw/Perl Raku/], q/rp/;
    say acronym [qw/Oracle Awk C/], q/oac/;
Sample Run

$ perl perl/ch-1…
2023.10.29 14:57

The Perl NOC

perlancar's blog

List of new CPAN distributions – Nov 2023

dist author abstract date
Acme-CPANAuthors-InMostCPANAuthors PERLANCAR Authors who are listed in Acme::CPANAuthors::* the most 2023-11-28T05:36:57
Acme-CPANAuthorsBundle-CPAN-Streaks PERLANCAR A collection of Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::* modules 2023-11-25T06:53:34
Acme-CPANModules-CPANAuthors PERLANCAR List of Acme::CPANAUthors::* modules 2023-11-28T04:30:10
Acme-CPANModules-Locale-ID PERLANCAR List of modules related to the Indonesian locale (language, country) 2023-11-12T00:06:19
Acme-CPANModules-SmartMatch PERLANCAR List of modules to do smart matching 2023-11-05T00:05:29
2023.12.01 00:02

List of new CPAN distributions – Oct 2023

dist author abstract date
Acme-CPANModules-LanguageCodes PERLANCAR List of modules related to language codes 2023-10-24T00:05:22
Acme-CPANModules-NumberRange PERLANCAR List of modules that handle number ranges 2023-10-29T00:05:11
Acme-CPANModules-OrderedHash PERLANCAR List of modules that provide ordered hash data type 2023-10-06T09:57:14
Acme-CPANModules-RequireHooks PERLANCAR List of modules that utilize require() hook 2023-10-01T00:06:00
Acme-MetaSyntactic-not_going_out PERLANCAR Characters from the britcom Not Going Out (2006-) 2023-10-06T00:05:31
Acme-Stack SISYPHUS Silly XS stack manipulations 2023-10-12T13:13:18
2023.11.01 03:00

# where we turn Perl inside out

(cdlxxii) 10 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.
  1. App::lcpan - Manage your local CPAN mirror
    • Version: 1.072 on 2023-12-02, with 14 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 1.071 was 1 year, 2 months, 13 days before
    • Author: PERLANCAR
  2. Date::Manip - Date manipulation routines
    • Version: 6.93 on 2023-12-01, with 19 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 6.92 was 5 months, 24 days before
    • Author: SBECK
  3. DBD::mysql - A MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
    • Version: 5.003 on 2023-12-01, with 54 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 5.002 was 1 month…
2023.12.02 21:45

(dlxxiii) metacpan weekly report - TAP::Formatter::GitHubActions

This is the weekly favourites list of CPAN distributions. Votes count: 167

Week's winner: TAP::Formatter::GitHubActions (+3)

Build date: 2023/12/02 20:37:22 GMT

Clicked for first time:

2023.12.02 21:37

(dc) stackoverflow perl report

(cdlxxi) 17 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::Netdisco - An open source web-based network management tool.
    • Version: 2.070003 on 2023-11-24, with 16 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 2.070001 was 9 days before
    • Author: OLIVER
  2. DBIx::DataModel - UML-based Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework
    • Version: 3.06 on 2023-11-22, with 12 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 3.05 was 3 months, 27 days before
    • Author: DAMI
  3. Dist::Zilla - distribution builder; installer not included!
    • Version: 6.031 on 2023-11-21, with 183 votes
    • Previous CPA…
2023.11.25 21:32

(dxcix) stackoverflow perl report

(cdlxx) 10 great CPAN modules released last week

Updates for great CPAN modules released last week. A module is considered great if its favorites count is greater or equal than 12.

  1. App::Netdisco - An open source web-based network management tool.
    • Version: 2.070001 on 2023-11-15, with 16 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 2.068001 was 14 days before
    • Author: OLIVER
  2. DBM::Deep - A pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions
    • Version: 2.0019 on 2023-11-12, with 28 votes
    • Previous CPAN version: 2.0018 was 4 days before
    • Author: DCANTRELL
  3. Firefox::Marionette - Automate the Firefox browser with the Marionette protocol
    • Version: 1.49 on 2023-11-18…
2023.11.18 22:03

Recent MetaCPAN News

perl on nxadm

Perl Advent Calendar 2023

Perl on Medium

My Programming Language is More Terse Than Yours


My usual retort is: “so what?”

Continue reading on Programming is Life »

2023.11.18 20:13

Understanding the Basics of Perl for Text Processing with AI Features


Perl, a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language, has been an industry staple since its creation in 1987…

Continue reading on Medium »

2023.11.06 03:22

The Reverse Shells and Red Team Scripts Notes


This 101 PDF page booklet contains all sorts of reverse shells in different languages used commonly during penetration testing. It also…

Continue reading on Medium »

2023.10.27 15:41

Active questions tagged perl - Stack Overflow

Invoking perl from nginx

2023.12.09 00:37

PDL / Vector and matrix algebra / Sort Eigenvalues of symmetric matrix

2023.12.02 17:41

Bad Certificate error while making rest api call in perl

2023.12.08 08:31

Recent Commits to perl5:blead

The Perl and Raku Conference


PWC239 - Consistent Strings


On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #239. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an array of strings and allowed string having distinct characters.

A string is consistent if all characters in the string appear in the string allowed.

Write a script to return the number of consistent strings in the given array.

Example 1

Input: @str = ("ad", "bd", "aaab", "baa", "badab")
       $allowed = "ab"
Output: 2

Strings "aaab" and "baa" are consistent since they only contain characters 'a' and 'b'.

Example 2

Input: @str = ("a", "b", "c", "ab", "ac", "bc", "abc")
       $allowed = "abc"
Output: 7


2023.10.23 06:00

PWC239 - Same String


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #239. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given two arrays of strings.

Write a script to find out if the word created by concatenating the array elements is the same.

Example 1

Input: @arr1 = ("ab", "c")

Output: true

Using @arr1, word1 => "ab" . "c" => "abc"
Using @arr2, word2 => "a" . "bc" => "abc"

Example 2

Input: @arr1 = ("ab", "c")
       @arr2 = ("ac", "b")
Output: false

Using @arr1, word1 => "ab" . "c" => "abc"
Using @arr2, word2 => "ac" . "b" => "acb"
The questions

This time I have a meta-question… how is people addres…

2023.10.22 06:00

PWC238 - Persistence Sort


On with TASK #2 from The Weekly Challenge #238. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an array of positive integers.

Write a script to sort the given array in increasing order with respect to the count of steps required to obtain a single-digit number by multiplying its digits recursively for each array element. If any two numbers have the same count of steps, then print the smaller number first.

Example 1

Input: @int = (15, 99, 1, 34)
Output: (1, 15, 34, 99)

15 => 1 x 5 => 5 (1 step)
99 => 9 x 9 => 81 => 8 x 1 => 8 (2 steps)
1  => 0 step
34 => 3 x 4 => 12 => 1 x 2…
2023.10.21 16:43

PWC238 - Running Sum


Here we are with TASK #1 from The Weekly Challenge #238. Enjoy!

The challenge

You are given an array of integers.

Write a script to return the running sum of the given array. The running sum can be calculated as sum[i] = num[0] + num[1] + …. + num[i].

Example 1

Input: @int = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Output: (1, 3, 6, 10, 15)

Example 2

Input: @int = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Output: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Example 3

Input: @int = (0, -1, 1, 2)
Output: (0, -1, 0, 2)
The questions

I’d probably just ask:

  • the domain of the inputs (i.e. should we prepare for big integers?)
  • the length of the input/output arrays.
The solution

We can i…

2023.10.21 06:00

rjbs forgot what he was saying

saluting face

I am a big fan of emoji. I don’t have a position on their suitability for inclusion in Unicode on first principles or anything. I just think they’re fun, and using them is convenient and makes life a little more whimsical.

One of the more recent updates to Unicode’s emoji repertoire is SALUTING FACE, meaning that there is now an emoji equivalent to the ASCII o7. (Let’s not get into the mirroring of the image right now, I have more serious topics to discuss.)

Here’s the saluting face emoji in Apple’s emoji set:

saluting face emoji

It’s a pretty reasonable emoji in the “yellow face just trying to live its life” catego…

2023.11.23 23:35

Horror Movie Month 2023

Another year, another thirty-one days of horror movies. I’ve changed roles at work recently, which has led to a big dip in evening calls, which meant I was present for a lot more viewings. Excellent!

Also, I took this opportunity to start logging the things I watch in Letterboxd, at least until I get sick of it. My October 2023 diary will give you a bunch of the information in this blog post, but so far without any kind of rating or commentary. I also populated some, but not all, previous years’ horror movie months. I may get around to doing the rest, we’ll see.

Despite using Letterboxd for keep…

2023.11.19 15:35


2023 Perl Advent Calendar Mega Post

Perl Advent Calendar 2023 - Who's That Clicking At The Window?

submitted by /u/briandfoy
[link] [comments]
2023.12.08 17:19

Perl Advent Calendar 2023 - HTML/XSS scrubbing and file upload validation in Catalyst

submitted by /u/briandfoy
[link] [comments]
2023.12.07 23:14

This Week in PSC (127) | Perl Steering Council []

submitted by /u/leonerduk
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2023.12.07 17:48

Is Perl a write only language?

Is Perl a write only language?

I say NO and show some of the goodies in the new perl versions, i.e. function signatures).

(cross post at #github pages)

And in case you were wondering, this is the human #RNA length distribution graphed with #perl and #gnuplot

submitted by /u/ReplacementSlight413
[link] [comments]
2023.12.07 05:50

Revisit Perl programming after 20 years - using Perl to code a generative language model

Revisit Perl programming after 20 years - using Perl to code a generative language model submitted by /u/commandlineluser
[link] [comments]
2023.12.06 17:07


AppRunner - The Good, Bad and the Ugly (Update)

AppRunner - Update

In my last blog I introduced AppRunner a relatively new service from AWS that helps application developers concentrate on their applications instead of infrastructure. Similar to Elastic Beanstalk, AppRunner is an accelerator that gets your web application deployed in the most efficient way possible.

One of my concerns has been whether Amazon is actually committed to enhancing and extending this promising service. Searching the 2023 re:Invent announcements I was disappointed to see any news about new features for AppRunner. However, it was encouraging to see that they did incl…

2023.12.02 20:51

AppRunner - The Good, Bad and the Ugly

AppRunner - The Good, Bad and the Ugly Background

In May of 2021, AWS released AppRunner to the public.

AWS App Runner is an AWS service that provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective way to deploy from source code or a container image directly to a scalable and secure web application in the AWS Cloud. You don’t need to learn new technologies, decide which compute service to use, or know how to provision and configure AWS resources.

App Runner connects directly to your code or image repository. It provides an automatic integration and delivery pipeline with fully managed operations, high perform…

2023.11.28 10:30

Agile Sucks

I’m So Done With Agile

Every development project ultimately has a goal of providing some kind of value to the organization that has decided to initiate a software development project.

The bottom line of any software development project is the bottom line. Does the cost of the project AND the maintenance of the project create a profit?

I know what you are thinking. Not all software applications are designed to produce profit. Untrue. Even applications we call “internal” create value or contribute to the creation of value.

What is Failure?

Let’s talk about and characterize failure first. Because its…

2023.11.08 18:54

Perl Junior Programmers, Bombay, Maharastra, India. (Qdnet Technologies Pvt. Ltd.)

We are currently looking for skilled IT professional, who can take up a challenging key assignments into Perl development team.

Experience- Fresher to 1 year
Working knowledge on large-scale Perl/Shell projects

Perl Engineer, Remote, or london (CODA)

We are seeking a talented and experienced Engineer to join our dynamic clients team. As an Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining their Perl code solutions within an Agile Delivery Team.

PERL PROFI zur Festanstellung gesucht onsite / remote - größtes Perl-Shopsystem weltweit, Remote, OR 82223 Eichenau (CosmoShop GmbH)

Wir sind das größte perlbasierte proprietäre Shopsystem der Welt. Seit 1999 gibt es den CosmoShop bereits und er bedient namhafte Kunden aus Mittelstand und Industrie. Werde Teil eines soliden eCommerce Unternehmens, welches schon seit 1997 auf dem Markt ist.

Unser System entwickelt sich ständig weiter, bereits vor einigen Jahren haben wir unsere eigene Cloud geschaffen, zudem Custom Plugins (“hookable”) und eine eigene Private-Cloud Lösung für unsere Kunden. Apropos Kunden: viele namhafte Brands sind dabei, das macht uns stolz und Dir hoffentlich auch Spaß an der Arbeit.

*** Aufgaben ***

- Mi…